Monday, August 29, 2011

harvest from the past few weeks

It's been a while since the last post!  Our gardening/blogging activities are in negative correlation with the summer temperature.  It's really difficult to garden in the 90-100+ degree weather.  When we do get out there, we mostly just harvest and weed.  While we have been slacking, the garden has not.  It continues to give out amazing produce.  During our absence from the blog, we had some firsts (corns, bitter melons, muskmelons).  We also had some lasts (R.I.P. cucumbers and patty pans).  Although summer is just starting to get hot around here, we can feel the seasonal change coming in the garden.

Here are some of the harvest pictures from the last few weeks:

harvest basket

harvest basket

frosty lima beans


corn and pumpkin

peaches & cream corn

harvest basket

charentais melon


Melissa said...

Great harvests! What kind of tomatoes and white beans are pictured? They're fantastic!

Sherry said...
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Sherry said...

Thanks, Bee Girl!
The big tomatoes are Black Krim, and the white beans with pink speckles are Frosty lima beans.

Melissa said...

Thanks Sherry! I'm making my lists for next year and am excited about all the varieties out there! I think these two will definitely be added to that list!